Politics of Afterlife 

Book Series


 by Sylvian Fischer



This is probably the best introduction to the book I could give you, by way of an explanation, of what it is that you are about to open your mind up to. To subject it to. To give you some idea of the mind-altering revelations to follow. You will be introduced to new concepts that your mortal mind will grapple with and possibly fight back against due to your nature and the confines of the physical world you live in. Then eventually it will feebly collapse under the weight of the otherworldly truths and crawl back into the dark space, batten down the hatches and try to reprogram itself after accepting all this weirdness with open arms that will leave a glazed look in your eyes and a permanent silly grin on your face.

The introduction is transcribed from a video stream of a TV show in the future where I am interviewed by Jodie Cole, on the popular show of the same name. Don’t worry if you haven’t heard of Jodie Cole, the show doesn’t air until 2027. The video stream was sent back to me from the future by the PPF Corporation, (a wonderful concept combining time travel with the Post Office). I won’t bore you with a proper explanation just yet. You would most likely only be aware of the show if you happen to be a time travelling space tourist like myself. Book technology on planet Earth leaves a lot to be desired, and you still cut down trees to make them, dear me.  You won’t even get to have animated video books for another 7 years.


             Sylvian Fischer interview on the Jodie Cole Show


“The author of the biggest selling book series in the universe, Politics of Afterlife, is with us here today to talk about how it came to be that he was chosen to write the planet Earth edition. Give a very warm welcome for bestselling author and journalist Sylvian Fischer.”

“Hi Jodie, it’s great to be here, I love your show.”

“Thanks Sylvian, and it's really great to have you! So, you are the author of Politics of Afterlife, the new book series.”

“I am, but I can’t take all the credit, it already existed in the universe on many planets. I’m like someone who was lucky enough to be picked to write the Earth version of the books, but I didn’t come up with the story.”

“So its been around for a while I gather, where did it come from?”

“Its been around for hundreds of years and it came from another world, or another dimension.”

Jodie was silent for a few seconds, then responded, repeating what Sylvian had said.

“Another world, you say?”

“Yes, I’ll explain,” he laughs nervously.

“For a good many years you will have heard about the signals coming from space that couldn’t be deciphered. You can Google it. Many years ago, there had been a news story about scientists picking up a regular pulse signal from space. It was exciting news, and I was following the story, we were all wondering if this was a message from intelligent life on another planet. Then, one dark winter night, I heard strange sounds coming from my receiver. I am an amateur astronomer, as well as a journalist, an amateur journalist some might say.” Sylvian laughs. “I turned up the volume and could hear something behind the noise. It was faint but intelligible, I kept thinking that it sounded like a voice. I recorded the signal and then used some filters to bring out the sound. I play and record music, so I have some good equipment, and it enabled me to do what big science couldn’t. So, I used a guitar effects pedal, something they wouldn’t have in the science labs and I removed the distortion and the interfering frequencies, and slowly the voice began to emerge. I cleaned the sound as much as I could. This is the message.”

They play it.

"Hello humans, in the year 2024, after a terribly long delay, a small team of cyber hackers managed to find a way to get a message through to you, humankind, through your social media network and now the multi award winning Politics of Afterlife Book Series will be available to you on planet Earth for the first time!"

 “Oh my God Sylvian this is incredible. So, there is life out there in the universe. I mean, we suspected there was, but to have it confirmed is a shock, isn’t it? A little disturbing, even?”

“Yes, I guess so, I was really excited when it happened, and then the reality sank in. Like, we don’t know if they are friendly or if they are a threat to our existence!”

There was a pause for a moment here as even the live audience was silent contemplating what they had just heard.

“There is another message you received later.”

“Yes, they come through all the time since they picked me to write the books. They have even started playing them through my wireless speaker at home, or through my laptop! The signal has been getting stronger and the sound is much clearer.”

“I’m hoping they don’t try to communicate directly to my mind, or I’ll be in trouble, I won’t have a thought of my own.” They both laugh.

“Like Elon Musk’s neural interface?”

“Yes, but without the interface, and you may remember what happened to the monkeys.”

“Oh God yes, those poor monkeys. “

“It doesn’t stop with the book."

“What do you mean it doesn’t stop with the book?”

“They are sending ideas and recipes, you know.”


“Yes, but unfortunately, we can’t get a lot of the ingredients here. It’s from another world. Ironically, I actually know little or nothing about this place that the messages are coming from. They send lots of detailed plans and blueprints for stuff like future computer design, solar-powered flying cars, theres even a design for a teleportation device! They had all that years ago.”


“Yes, that’s where the ideas came from, this stuff all exists elsewhere already. So, they are determined to get the message out to us all about what we are experiencing here now on this planet, because no one really knows. They were meant to leave instructions for us, but they decided against it, the thinking was that we should find our own way, how can you have free will and instructions at the same time, so they left us with none. It's an experiment. They call it the Genesis project!”

“And what is the message? That we aren’t alone in the universe?”

“Well yes, I guess that goes without saying, but they are trying to warn us.”

“Warn us? You have me worried now. Warn us about what?”

“About the future.”

“What about the future?”

“That it might not be exactly what we imagine it to be.”

“You’re not really answering my question, Sylvian.”

"They are going to close down the Genesis project. That means us, planet Earth, the planet that didn’t get the instructions."

"What do you mean closing it down?"

"Exactly that, it’s not working. In fact, they said it has been a terrible mistake. Especially not giving anyone a handbook when they arrived here so they would know what to do."

“Well, I guess you get a 50-page instruction book with a microwave oven these days.”

“That’s why they sent the book down from whereever they are, to give us the information we should have been given in the beginning, in the hope there is still enough time.”

“That’s very distressing news, but the book offers a glimmer of hope I guess. If we take the instructions on board, and we change, do you think it will save us?”
“I can’t say for sure, but if everyone makes an effort, I think we could turn it around.”

“Will we play this second track that you brought in. This one is an ad, you say, for the book series with some music at the start.”

 “Yes, it seems to be a song, being sent across the universe. Together with the earlier message, it seems it is part of an advertisement for the book series! Bear in mind, this music has been travelling so long and so far, the signal has decayed to some degree and been affected by radiation as it travelled through space for centuries. So don’t expect too much from the sound quality.”